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Important Notice Regarding Appointments and the Covid-19 Pandemic

FAA Flight Physical updates 7/21/2020

In preparation for your appointment please:


1: Have a face mask (this is required not only of our patients but from our staff as well)

2: Have your 8500 form completed on medexpress


There are ongoing changes with how Riverside County is addressing safety requirements and the topic surrounding Personal Protective Equipment.  Dr Daniel Cosgrove and the team at WellMax are NOT a *high risk group however with the increasing number of cases we are following the CDC guidelines and all Riverside County ordinances.​


-If you bring someone with you to my office, there can be no more than two people (total) in my waiting area at any given time. 


I know these are difficult times, especially in the aviation industry. With your cooperation, I know we will successfully survive this difficulty.

Daniel Cosgrove, MD


FAA Flight Physical updates 3/26/2020


If you are a pilot who requires their medical certificate for employment as a required flight crewmember, the FAA issued a notice on March 26, which states:

“as an exercise of the FAA’s enforcement discretion, through June 30, 2020, the FAA will not take legal enforcement action against any person serving as a required pilot flight crewmember or flight engineer based on noncompliance with medical certificate duration standards when expiration of the medical certificate occurs from March 31, 2020, through June 30, 2020.” This pertains to domestic flight operations only. Airlines have the ability to file for specific exemptions for international operations.




FAA notice may be found here:



FAA Notice 3/26/2020



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